日本音楽即興学会 JASMIM

The Japanese Association for the Study of Musical IMprovisation
  • 日本語


1. The name of this organization is the Japanese Association for the Study of Musical IMprovisation (hereafter JASMIM).

2. The purpose of JASMIM is to promote the exchange of people who study musical improvisation or practice music having improvisation nature, and to contribute to the development of them.

3. JASMIM is the place of free exchange of members’ ideas, and aims to be open to the world. The operations, without excessive formality, shall be open and democratic.

4. JASMIM carries out the following activities.
(1)Holding an annual meeting and research meetings etc.
(2)Publication of the research journal etc.
(3)Exchanges with various organizations and individuals both of domestic and foreign.
(4)Other activities necessary to achieve the purpose of JASMIM.

5. The members of JASMIM is individual members, who shall be approved by the Board of Directors. The member fee is determined by the Board of Directors.

6. The officers of JASMIM are:
(1)The Representative Directors (the President).
(2)The several Directors.
(3)The two Auditor.
The term of an officer is 2 years, who can not be re-appointed for the third successive term. The Directors of the previous term can not be appointed as the Auditor.

7. JASMIM has the following meetings.
(1) The General Assembly.
(2) The Directors Meeting.
(3) The committee (set if necessary).

8. The General Assembly is composed by JASMIM members, and is the highest legislative organ of JASMIM. The decision of the General Assembly requires the majority of the members present. However, changes of the constitution and the dissolution of JASMIM does the consent of at least two-thirds of the members present.

9. The Director is elected by The General Assembly among its members. The Directors operate JASMIM while organizing the Board of Directors.

10. The Representative Director (the President) is elected by the the Board of Directors among its members. The Representative Director operates and represents JASMIM.

11. The Auditor is elected by the General Assembly among its members. The Auditor inspects the accounts of JASMIM and can attend and give opinions to the Board of Directors.

12. JASMIM can make various committees if required. The members of the committee are nominated from JASMIM members by the Board of Directors.

13. Meetings and the operations shall use the Internet as much as possible.

14. The fiscal year of JASMIM is from April 1 to March 31 next year.

Approved and put into operation on September 14, 2008